SkartaNYAB Plc: Notice to the Annual General Meeting


SkartaNYAB Plc
12.04.2022 at 16:00

SkartaNYAB Plc: Notice to the Annual General Meeting

Shareholders of SkartaNYAB Plc (Business ID: 2393685-6) are hereby summoned to the Annual General Meeting that will be held on Tuesday, 3 May 2022, at 11:00 am. The location of the meeting will be Villa Hannala, Kahvelitie 1, Oulu. The reception of persons who have registered for the meeting, as well as the distribution of voting tickets, will be started at 10:45 am. The meeting will be held in Finnish.


The following matters will be on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting:

 1. Opening of the meeting

 2. Calling the meeting to order

 3. Election of persons to scrutinize the minutes and to supervise the counting of votes

 4. Recording the legality of the meeting

 5. Recording the attendance and the list of votes

 6. Presenting the financial statements, consolidated financial statements, Board of Directors’ report, and the auditor’s report for the year 2021

 7. Adoption of the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements

 8. Resolution on the use of profits shown on the balance sheet and the payment of dividends

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividends will be paid based on the balance sheet that has been adopted for the financial period that ended on 31 December 2021.

9. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability

 10. Resolution on the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors

Shareholders, who altogether represent more than 50 percent of the shares and votes in the company, have provided in advance a proposition, according to which the following remuneration will be paid to the members of the Board of Directors until the close of the following Annual General Meeting:

  • To a member of the Board of Directors, who does not work for SkartaNYAB Plc or a company belonging to the same group, 3000 euros per calendar month shall be paid as rewards, regardless of the number of meetings. In addition, reasonable costs and travelling expenses caused by the meetings shall be recompensed.
  • To a Chairman of the Board of Directors, who does not work for SkartaNYAB Plc or a company belonging to the same group, 4500 euros per calendar month shall be paid as rewards, regardless of the number of meetings. In addition, reasonable costs and travelling expenses caused by the meetings shall be recompensed.
  • To a member or Chairman of the Board of Directors, who works for SkartaNYAB Plc or a company belonging to the same group, no rewards shall be paid, but reasonable costs and travelling expenses caused by the meetings shall be recompensed.
  • To a member and Chairman of the Board of directors, who does not work for SkartaNYAB Plc or a company belonging to the same group, a meeting fee of 500 euros shall also be paid for participating meetings of committees of the Board of Directors.

11. Resolution on the number of members of the Board of Directors

Shareholders, who altogether represent more than 50 percent of the shares and votes in the company, have provided in advance a proposition, according to which seven members shall be elected to the Board of Directors.

12. Election of members of the Board of Directors

Shareholders, who altogether represent more than 50 percent of the shares and votes in the company, have provided in advance a proposition, according to which current members of the Board of Directors, Markku Kankaala, Johan K Nilsson, Jukka Juola, Johan Larsson, Mikael Ritola, Aarne Simula, and Jari Suominen, shall be re-elected as members of the Board of Directors for a term that continues until the close of the following Annual General Meeting.

All the persons, who are proposed to be elected, have given their consent for the election. 

13. Resolution on the remuneration of the auditor

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the reward to the auditor will be paid according to the invoice that the company has approved.

14. Election of the auditor  

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that Authorized Public Accountant (KHT) Osmo Valovirta and audit firm Ernst & Young Oy, Authorized Public Accountant (KHT) Anders Forsström as the key audit partner, shall be re-elected to act as auditors of the company.

The auditors shall be elected for a term that continues until the close of the following Annual General Meeting. The proposed auditors have given their consent for the election.

15. Establishing a shareholders’ nomination board

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the meeting shall decide to establish a shareholders’ nomination board that has a responsibility of preparing proposals related to the members and remuneration of the Board of Directors to the Annual General Meeting and, if needed, to the Extraordinary General Meeting. The Board of Directors also proposes that the Annual General Meeting validates the charter of the shareholders’ nomination board that is attached to this invitation and is also available at the company website

The Board of Directors proposes that the nomination board consists of three members, of which three largest shareholders of the company are each entitled to appoint one. The largest shareholders, who are entitled to appoint a member to the nomination board, are defined based on which shareholders represent the largest number of votes on the last business day of each August.

The nomination board shall operate until a general meeting decides otherwise. Term of the members of the nomination board shall end annually, as a new nomination board is nominated. Members of the nomination board shall not receive fees from the membership of the nomination board.

16. Closing of the meeting


The aforementioned proposals for the decisions on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting and this notice are available on SkartaNYAB Plc’s website at SkartaNYAB Plc’s financial statements, consolidated financial statements, report of activities and the auditor’s report are also available at The proposals for the decisions and other documents mentioned above will also be available at the Annual General Meeting, and a copy of them and this notice will be sent to shareholders on request. The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be available at no later than 17 May 2022 (only in Finnish).


1. Shareholder who is registered in the shareholders’ register

A shareholder, who is registered in the shareholders’ register of the company maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd on 21 April 2022, is entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting. A shareholder, whose shares have been recorded in their personal Finnish book-entry account, is registered in the shareholders’ register of the company.

A shareholder, who is registered in the shareholders’ register of the company and wishes to attend the Annual General Meeting, shall register no later than on 28 April 2022, when the registration has to be available in the company. The registration can be made by e-mail to Marko Peltonen, Director of Investor Relations at SkartaNYAB Plc, address

In connection with the registration, a shareholder shall notify their name, personal identification number or business ID, address, telephone number and e-mail address, as well as the name and personal identification number of a possible assistant or representative. The personal information, that the shareholders disclose to SkartaNYAB Plc, will be used only in connection with the Annual General Meeting and processing the necessary registrations relating to the meeting.

The shareholder or their representative must be capable of proving their identity and/or right of representation at the location of the meeting.

2. Holder of a nominee-registered share

A holder of nominee-registered shares has a right to attend the Annual General Meeting by virtue of such shares, based on which they would be entitled to be registered in the shareholders’ register of the company held by Euroclear Finland Ltd on 21 April 2022. The right to participate in the meeting requires, in addition, that the shareholder on the basis of these shares has been temporarily registered into the shareholders’ register held by Euroclear Finland Ltd at the latest by 28 April 2022, at 10:00 am. As regards nominee-registered shares, this constitutes due registration for the Annual General Meeting.

A holder of a nominee-registered shares is advised to request well in advance necessary instructions regarding the registration for the temporary shareholders’ register, the issuing of proxy documents, and registration for the Annual General Meeting from their custodian bank. The account manager of the custodian bank shall register a holder of nominee-registered shares, who wants to participate in the Annual General Meeting, temporarily into the shareholders’ register of the company at the latest by the time stated above.

3. Proxy representative and powers of attorney  

A shareholder may participate in the Annual General Meeting and exercise their rights by way of proxy representation. Any proxy representative will be required to present a dated proxy document or otherwise in a reliable manner demonstrate their right to represent a shareholder. In case a shareholder participates in the Annual General Meeting by means of multiple proxy representatives representing the shareholder with shares at different securities accounts, the shares by which each proxy representative represents the shareholder shall be identified in connection with the registration for the Annual General Meeting.

Possible powers of attorney are asked to be delivered in original to the address: SkartaNYAB Plc, Pakkahuoneenkatu 18 B 35, 90100 Oulu, before the end of the registration period.

4. Other instructions/information  

A shareholder, who is present at the Annual General Meeting, has the right to present questions with respect to matters to be considered at the meeting, as defined in Chapter 5, Section 25, of the Finnish Act on Limited Liability Companies.

On the date of this notice to the Annual General Meeting, 12 April 2022, SkartaNYAB Plc has a total of 702 641 888 shares that represent an equal number of votes.


About SkartaNYAB Oyj

SkartaNYAB is a builder of a clean future with decades of experience in complex and demanding projects. Our strategy is based on a strong competence and expertise in specialized construction, and we aim at expanding our activities in the value chain of wind power, solar energy and hydrogen solutions towards the development, construction and ownership of overall projects in clean energy, where we see excellent growth potential. SkartaNYAB is headquartered in Oulu and it has more than 300 employees at different locations in Finland and Sweden.

SkartaNYAB Plc's Certified Adviser is Augment Partners AB,, phone +46 8 604 22 55.

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Plc: Notice to the Annual General Meeting

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB implements expansion projects of Utanen and Isokangas 110kV substations in Northern Ostrobothnia

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NYAB decided on the new performance period of the performance share plan

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Antti Keskinen, Liiketoimintayksikön johtaja, Sähköverkkorakentaminen | NYAB

Green transition speeds up NYAB’s electricity transmission network operations

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Plc considers re-domiciliation to Sweden and listing at Nasdaq Stockholm

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Erik Petersen to strengthen NYAB Plc’s Executive Management Team

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Anton Sandgren – Site Manager at NYAB

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NYAB signs two new contracts with Svenska kraftnät

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NYAB signs two new contracts with Svenska kraftnät

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Skarta Energy and Business Tornio plan an industrial-scale solar farm in Tornio

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NYAB Plc’s business review 1 January – 31 March 2023: Accelerating balanced growth

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NYAB Plc: Settlement agreement with the City of Mikkeli has been executed

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Ensuring safety through cooperation

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NYAB wins SEK 66 million contract at Arlanda for Swedavia

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NYAB wins two contracts in Kiruna municipality – infrastructure projects for Infranord

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NYAB Plc: Organizing of the Board of Directors

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NYAB Plc: Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting

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Inderes has started an analyst coverage on NYAB Plc

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NYAB as the company of the month

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NYAB Plc: Technical amendments to the merger plan between NYAB Plc and Andament II Sulautuva Oy

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NYAB signed a settlement agreement with the city of Mikkeli (inside information)

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Plc: Notice to the Annual General Meeting

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Plc: Proposals of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board to the Annual General Meeting

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Matilda Stjärnström – QHES Manager, NYAB Sverige

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NYAB Plc: Annual report 2022 has been published

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NYAB Plc: Annual report from financial year 2022 has been published

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB signed 10 MEUR agreement with Swedish Transport Administration

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Plc’s financial statement release 2022 and management webcast

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Plc’s financial statement release 1 January – 31 December 2022: Strong organic growth continued in Sweden – Finnish operations turned profitable during the end of the year

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Invitation to NYAB Plc’s webcast on financial statement release

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NYAB Plc and Andament Group Oy have signed a merger plan, whereby the company demerging from Andament Group Oy merges into NYAB Plc

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Over EUR 13 million in investment aid for Skarta Energy’s solar farm to be built in Utajärvi

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB and Energiequelle sign BoP contract for Mikonkeidas wind farm

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Plc: Judgement of the District Court regarding Mikkeli wastewater treatment plant projects (inside information)

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Plc: Change in the Executive Management Team

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Plc: Establishment of a joint venture with CapMan fund has been successfully completed

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NYAB approved as a builder of transmission lines in Fingrid’s supplier register

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB has agreed on new financing facilities

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NYAB signs a contract to prepare for the construction of Aurora Line

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Skarta Energy and Solarigo’s 61 million euro solar farms project enabled by investment aid

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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SkartaNYAB renamed to NYAB

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Vastuullisuus noston kuva

SkartaNYAB establishes a joint venture with CapMan fund to construct renewable energy producing facilities exceeding 500 MW

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc raises its financial guidance for 2022 (inside information)

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc establishes a joint venture with CapMan fund to construct renewable energy producing facilities exceeding 500 MW (inside information)

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SkartaNYAB Plc: Financial information and Annual General Meeting in 2023

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc: Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc’s business review 1 July – 30 September 2022: Strong growth despite a challenging operating environment

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc has started the process of establishing a joint venture for the development of renewable energy projects (inside information)

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SkartaNYAB Plc changes its name to NYAB Plc and sets strategic objectives for 2022-2024

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc: Notice to an Extraordinary General Meeting

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SkartaNYAB Plc changes its name to NYAB Plc and sets strategic objectives for 2022-2024

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Regulatory press releases

Composition of SkartaNYAB Plc’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board

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Fingrid concludes first solar power plant connection agreement with Skarta Energy – Utajärvi project moves forward

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Change negotiations to be launched at Skarta Finland Oy – the aim is to find ways to make operations more efficient, streamlined and achieve cost savings

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Skarta was accepted into Fingrid’s supplier register

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB was accepted into Fingrid’s supplier register

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Skarta and Tohmajärvi municipality to begin cooperation – Eastern Finland’s largest energy project under planning

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Skarta’s Near Energy project in Utajärvi is progressing – action permit for a solar power plant and Horizon research funding from the EU

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc: Share issue directed to Power Forze AB’s shareholders has been executed and trading in new shares begins

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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SkartaNYAB strengthens its position on the energy construction market in Norrbotten by acquiring Power Forze AB

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Regulatory press releases

Changes in SkartaNYAB Plc’s Executive Management Team

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc’s half-yearly report 1 January-30 June 2022: Profitable growth in Sweden – challenges in Finland

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc acquires Power Forze AB and arranges a directed share issue

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc lowers financial guidance for 2022 and publishes preliminary information on key figures of the first half of the year

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Sitema has been awarded ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certificates

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc: The final outcome of the personnel share issue 2022

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB and Uusiutuva Energia Karahka Oy have signed a BoP agreement for a Karahka wind park in Oulainen

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SkartaNYAB and Uusiutuva Energia Karahka Oy have signed a BoP agreement for a Karahka wind park in Oulainen

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Skarta will build a wind farm in Pajuperänkangas with a new customer, ABO Wind

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Skarta signed a contract with SSAB regarding construction project of new office building, as well as research and laboratory facility, to Raahe plant

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Skarta and the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Lapland signed an extensive contract on the Jokikylä bridge in Oulu

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SkartaNYAB has signed a comprehensive framework agreement with the Swedish Transport Administration

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB has signed a significant frame agreement with Swedish Transport Administration

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc establishes new share-based incentive plans

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Skarta signs two contracts with LKAB for the execution of infrastructure projects

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Skarta will be making everyday life effortless and clean also in Pirkanmaa – Skarta was awarded the contract for the building of pumping stations for Tampere Region Central Wastewater Treatment Plant

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB wins customer trust

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc publishes new long-term financial targets

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc’s business review 1 January-31 March 2022 (unaudited): Stable performance in seasonally weakest quarter, high orderbook enables good outlook for the rest of the year

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc: Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB has signed a financing agreement of SEK 135 million

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc – Managers’ Transactions

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NYAB signs extensive agreement with Piteå municipality

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc: Annual report from financial year 2021 has been published

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Magnus Granljung takes over as CEO of NYAB

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc: Trading in new shares began at First North marketplace

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Oyj – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc – Managers’ Transactions

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Regulatory press releases

Johan Larsson appointed as CEO of SkartaNYAB Plc – also other changes in the management team

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc: Decisions of the Board of Directors’ organizing meeting

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc publishes pro forma information regarding the acquisition of NYAB Group

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Regulatory press releases

SkartaNYAB Plc: Board of Directors decided on the closing of the NYAB transaction – changes in the name and members of the Board of Directors

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The strongest actors in solar energy to cooperate – Skarta and Solarigo aim to build 1,000 megawatts of solar power

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Skarta founded a new business unit – electrical grid business to complement the value chain

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NYAB moves cultural buildings on behalf of LKAB

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NYAB signs framework agreement with Huddinge municipality

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NYAB is awarded three projects in the Ore Fields

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Skarta Group Plc clarifies the structuring of the NYAB arrangement and timetable, and summons an Extraordinary General Meeting

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NYAB is awarded an energy project in Umeå

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NYAB is awarded the “Operating area Överkalix & Övertorneå” by the Swedish Transport Administration

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Tuulivoimalan perustukset raudoitustyön alkuvaiheessa Juurakon tuulipuistossa Kalajoella. Laadunvarmistus on olennainen osa työvaihetta, ja siihen mennessä työmaalla on dokumentoitu jo monta suunnitelmaa ja pöytäkirjaa.

Quality is the basis of everything for Skarta

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Skarta Group Plc joins forces with Swedish NYAB Group to step up the pace of building a clean future

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Skarta joins forces with Swedish NYAB Group to step up the pace of building a clean future

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Skarta, builder of a clean future, developed a model for the calculation of CO2 emissions that relate to the infrastructure of wind farms

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NYAB contracted for projects in Stockholm and Umeå

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Near Energy at the center of the development of Skarta’s energy business

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NYAB is awarded an infrastructure contract worth 130 million for Huddinge municipality

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Skarta aims at being at the forefront of hydrogen economy – acquires the first new-generation hydrogen car in Finland for its use

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NYAB wins assignments in the Stockholm area

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First of its kind in Finland – Skarta had a major role in the closure of the Hitura mine

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The bridge over Siikajoki, built by Skarta, was opened to traffic

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Skarta completed the construction work for the Jämsä central sewage treatment plant three months early

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Skarta starts building a wind farm for Puhuri – a third common project for markets in clean energy

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New project for Skarta in Metsä Group’s bioproduct mill site

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NYAB is building a wind farm in Kalajoki at full power

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Skarta has launched new financial targets and strategic main directions – Activities will be expanded towards overall projects in wind power, solar energy, and hydrogen solutions

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Trading in Skarta Group Plc’s new shares began on the First North marketplace

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Skarta’s journey to become a First North company is progressing according to plan – the Board of Directors to have strong expertise in the energy sector

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Skarta got an order worth MEUR 10 from LKAB

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Skarta to build the foundations for EPV Energia’s wind farm in Närpiö

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NYAB wins the Group’s largest contract of all time

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Kuvituskuva, nainen ja mies tietokoneella

Job opportunities at Skarta

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NYAB is awarded assignments by Nacka municipality and the Swedish Fortifications Agency in Kiruna municipality

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Skarta Group seeks momentum for growth on the stock market

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Skarta to partner with Atria on a major wind power project

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NYAB is building a new road and bridge for Skellefteå municipality

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Skarta Energy Oy to be a new wind power subsidiary

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NYAB is awarded a bridge contract in Stockholm

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Skarta Finland started work on the construction site of the Kemi bioproduct factory

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HS-Vesi invests in Paroinen treatment plant in Hämeenlinna

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VSB selected NYAB as the main contractor for the Juurakko wind farm

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