
Responsible creation

Society is always changing. What has become obsolete gives way for growth and innovation. As we adapt to theses changes, we must learn from the process. The materials and resources we use today will not last forever and societies way of doing business must readjust to meet the needs of our time. That is why NYAB takes seriously our responsibility to deliver environmentally sustainable and high quality projects all the while providing an excellent work environment. Everyday, we work to raise our standards even further.

Our industry can build a better society

NYAB’s business operations focus on energy, infrastructure, industrial construction, and project development in renewable energy. By contributing to industry development we can help build a clean future. It is why we are always testing our best practices and striving to find new ways of doing business. While at the same time we are stringent on maintaining the standards of our well evaluated routines, that have led to such high results.

NYAB works closely with the local communities

NYAB has a distinct advantage stemming from its long and strong position in the northern parts of Finland and Sweden. The Company has a deep understanding and a close connection to these regions, with many of those working for NYAB having been born and raised there, and still living close by to this day. NYAB avoids the need to fly in resources from far away, but instead aims to employ people from the local area. By employing local people and by collaborating with local entrepreneurs and companies, NYAB has built strong relations to the areas in which its known and operates in.

Good people make a good company

NYAB aims to provide our employees with a good and fulfilling work environment. We believe in having an open dialogue with all of our colleagues and assisting with individuals personal development.

We believe our diversity of both people and ideas, as well as our emphasis on personal development, naturally lead us to better project outcomes, and in the end higher profitability.

Environmental sustainability

Our focus is on both sustainability the long term impacts of our decisions. That is why not only do we comply with all current environmental legislation and requirements but we choose to exceed those requirements. We are constantly working to minimise any negative impact on the environment, yet we know that we need must do more.

Building renewable energy helps us significantly reduce climate footprint

NYAB is building solutions which can reduce CO2 emissions. NYAB is building wind and solar power farms in collaboration with the industry and the public sector. In NYAB’s projects, already more than 900 MW of wind power is either completed or being constructed in Finland. The total number of wind turbines in these projects exceeds 190. The annual production of 190 wind turbines corresponds to the annual consumption of approximately 190 000 electrically-heated detached houses*.

(* A 3 MW wind turbine built in Finland in 2009 produced around 9,000 MWh per year, while a 4.2 MW wind turbine built in 2019 produces more than double the amount: 19,000 MWh per year. The annual production of the new power plant corresponds to the annual consumption of approximately 1,000 electrically heated detached houses.)

NYAB participates in the project development of solar energy through its associated company Skarta Energy. Skarta Energy has a target of building 800 MW of solar power in the next five years. This corresponds to the annual consumption of approximately 160 000 persons.