
We see the future in wind, sun and their energy storage. We implement projects that utilise emission-free technology in energy production.

We focus on implementing wind and solar power projects in cooperation with industry and public bodies. We are one of Finland’s leading builders of wind farms and have already been involved in the construction of wind farms with more than 270 turbines since 2013.

In projects we develop, design, implement, own and maintain technologically advanced energy production plants in the Nordic countries.

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NYAB receives energy order of SEK 158 million

NYAB Sverige has signed a contract with Vindlänken Elnät AB for the construction of 36kV...

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NYAB signs multi-year framework agreements for energy projects

NYAB Sverige has secured framework agreements for local network projects in Northern Norrland and the...

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NYAB signs a contract of SEK 931 million in power line construction

NYAB announced on 24 July 2024 that it was selected as the contractor for the...

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Regulatory press releases

NYAB receives an order of SEK 931 million in power line construction

NYAB has been selected as contractor for the construction of two 130 kV power lines...

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NYAB signs a contract for an extensive power line work in Luleå

NYAB has signed a contract regarding an extensive power line work in Luleå to enable...

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NYAB signs a significant agreement to start constructing Aurora Line

NYAB and Svenska kraftnät have signed a significant agreement regarding the construction of Aurora Line....

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Fingrid 100 kV sähköasema

NYAB to build a 110kV substation for Fingrid in Loimaa

NYAB has agreed with the Finland’s transmission system operator Fingrid on the construction contract for...

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NYAB implements expansion projects of Utanen and Isokangas 110kV substations in Northern Ostrobothnia

NYAB has agreed with Finland’s transmission system operator Fingrid on the expansion projects of the...

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Antti Keskinen, Liiketoimintayksikön johtaja, Sähköverkkorakentaminen | NYAB

Green transition speeds up NYAB’s electricity transmission network operations

The future of our planet requires a transition from fossil energy sources to sustainable energy...

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NYAB signs two new contracts with Svenska kraftnät

In December 2022, NYAB and Svenska kraftnät signed an agreement to prepare for the construction...

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NYAB and Energiequelle sign BoP contract for Mikonkeidas wind farm

NYAB has signed a Balance of Plant (BoP) contract regarding the new Mikonkeidas wind farm...

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NYAB was accepted into Fingrid’s supplier register

NYAB’s power network construction business unit, established in the spring, has grown rapidly through new...

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SkartaNYAB and Uusiutuva Energia Karahka Oy have signed a BoP agreement for a Karahka wind park in Oulainen

SkartaNYAB Plc COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT 08 July 2022 at 12.40 SkartaNYAB and Uusiutuva Energia Karahka Oy...

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Skarta founded a new business unit – electrical grid business to complement the value chain

Skarta Group’s value chain has now become more comprehensive with the addition of a new...

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NYAB is awarded an energy project in Umeå

Umeå Energi is a well-established municipally owned energy company that was founded in 1887. It...

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