Industrial buildings

We know what is required to build modern industrial constructions for various enterprises and purposes. We adjust our production to the activities of the customer to minimise disturbances and cause as little impact as possible to their day-to-day operations. We strive for “just-in-time” to minimise storage space, avoid operation interruptions while we at the same time build as effectively as possible. It is a win-win situation for all parties.

Firm foundations are crucial for the entire construction and lifetime of the building. We are specialised in construction work and we build everything from industrial buildings, commercial property, premises, arenas and farming construction work to bridges. Working with concrete requires experience and skills, we can handle very complex concrete work.

Sliding form casting for long structures

One of our specialties is to build structures by means of sliding form casting. Here, a steel mould is transferred in an even, continuous process while it is continuously filled with reinforcements and concrete. The method is flow efficient when casting long concrete structures in comparison with the conventional form technologies. To obtain seamless concrete constructions, the work is often performed non-stop from the start of the casting until the structure has been cast in its entirety. The moulds are driven by hydraulic jacks that operate the sliding form, and at the same time the tempering of the concrete is continuously checked to have optimum control of the casting velocity.

Steel foundations for industrial buildings

An assembly manager from NYAB and a skilled, certified installation team install your hall and ensure the quality of every detail. As our installation teams are specialists in steel foundations, you can rest assured that the work is performed as quickly and correctly as possible.

Roofs and walls for industrial buildings

We continuously work with the development and optimisation of processes and technologies. We have developed a technology for installing elements which, compared to conventional methods, take up less space on the land, are more resource-efficient and provide a safer working environment.

Contact us

Daniel Johansson

Business Area Manager, Industry & Energy

+46 70 362 24 13

Tobias Wärja

Work manager

+46 70 770 14